Monday, April 10, 2017

Leaving Already?

A busy life makes time fly, and that’s what happened to me this winter. I can hardly believe it’s already time to go back to our Kansas home, but here we are, cleaning out the refrigerator and gathering things we need to take back with us, including jars of the orange marmalade we made.

I will miss watching our little raise bed garden grow. The spring greens are all gone, having been replaced by tomatoes, carrots, peppers, and some transplanted squash. The squash isn’t recovering from being transplanted and will have to be replaced by others that sprung up from the compost pile. Grant and Blair put in an automatic sprinkling system since we won't be here to do the watering.

I would love to be here this summer to look out our kitchen window, watching this year’s crop of pomegranates mature. They are just now blooming and their fruit won’t mature until next November. The outermost layer of the blossom gradually will curve back to become the characteristic points at the end of the fruit. Wouldn’t it be fun to watch a pomegranate develop? 

For sure I’ll miss going to La Estrella Bakery in Tucson’s Mercado for the best puff pastry I’ve ever eaten. (I’ll admit that puff pastry isn’t the most healthful diet for an octogenarian.) I’ll miss seeing sunlight and shadow play on the mountain ranges that surround Tucson. Oh, and I'll miss the Sunday afternoon band sessions at Badlands, a microbrewery.

Most of all, though, I’ll miss sharing daily life with our grandson and his bride. I’ll especially miss the lively conversation at our evening meals and knowing that more than one person has my back in times of trouble.

The up side of leaving is that all of these pleasures will be waiting when we return to the land of saguaros next fall.

Copyright 2017 by Shirley Domer