Monday, February 22, 2016

Too Busy in Tucson

Whew! We have been so busy making orange marmalade there’s been no time to write. Currently we are starting our fourth batch, but I’m taking a break while Dennis shreds the orange peel.

Making marmalade occasioned the need for a jam jar so we turned to our favorite estate sale shop where nice kitchen things cost a pittance. (We have been there so often the owner knows our names.) Sure enough, the perfect jar turned up. Cost: $1.

On the way to the estate sale shop and other destinations we have been observing the re-tiling of the roof of a large, three-story building. For a person who has acrophobia (that’s me) watching the crew casually walking around the roof, carrying and laying tiles was agony. Finally my suffering went away when I saw a lone worker atop the completed roof.

Life hasn’t been all business, though. We found time to have lunch at Wilko again and to walk from there to the Arizona State Museum’s exhibition of a copy of the first folio of Shakespeare’s plays. Walking through the University of Arizona’s campus we came upon an allée lined with old olive trees. But that’s a story for another day.

Back to the marmalade.

Copyright 2016 by Shirley Domer


  1. Your $1 jam jar is beautiful with marmalade in it!

  2. Hi Shirley. You have inspired me! I have so many oranges I brought home and I think I will look up a recipe and use them to make marmalade. Sounds like all is well there. We are back in Durango. All the best.

    1. I have worked out a perfect recipe, Kathleen, and will post it as soon as I've written then instructions.
